
Last update: 2022-03-29

We’ve tried to redact the most extensive user manual as we could, we hope you’ll find there all you need to extract the most from Joruna. Check also the FAQ below!

Frequently Asked Questions

Great, Joruna is integrated with Lightroom. But I use that other software, when will Joruna be integrated with it?

During our market study an overwhelming percentage of users (close to 80%) are using Lightroom. That and the availability of a development kit for plugins made the choice of going with Lightroom first an evidence. Don’t hesitate to contact us to express your wish for future integrations. It’s really important for us to know what you, the users, want.

However, as a glimpse of things to come, a standalone version of Joruna, which will not rely on any other pieces of software, is already in the works. It will be the perfect opportunity for those who do not use Lightroom to be able to work with Joruna.

Joruna displays blurry text on my Windows machine, what can I do?
First solution: Windows high density settings

Open the Control Panel, then click System, Display, Advanced scaling settings. In the window that appears, make sure that Let Windows Try To Fix Apps So They’re Not Blurry is turned on.

Second solution: Disable nVidia FXAA

If the first solution didn’t work, there’s a big chance that your computer is running with an nVidia GPU with FXAA activated at all time, and not only in games. To disable the FXAA, open the nVidia Control Panel, then select Manage 3D Settings, select Antialiasing - FXAA and turn it off.

Why do I need an internet connection?

Your photos are analysed on Joruna’s servers. This allows to leverage a huge amount of computing power that many users don’t have access to, on a self improving system: the more Joruna is used, the more it learns to return positive results. But don’t worry! We’re are not using your full size RAW files in this process, they stay on your computer. Joruna only needs a thumbnail to extract the data it needs from your photos. And of course, at no point in time your photos are kept on our servers once the analysis is performed. They are YOUR photos, not ours.