A few key concepts

Last update: 2022-12-17

Joruna is not a complex tool to use, it’s even its scope: make things easier for the photographer! However, in order to avoid any confusions, let’s go together through a few key concepts to make sure that we are all on the same page.

Keys files

The keys files are, well, the key, of Joruna. They define the content that Joruna must look after in your photos. As intelligent as Joruna is, it doesn’t (yet ?) knows what you want… So the first step is to define these keys files before analysing photos.

Let’s say you are going to shoot a track & field event, and you want to use Joruna to automatically identify the athletes. First, you need to prepare your keys file. An entry in this file will be created for each athlete, with a set of keys, a set of keywords and a legend.

The keys are what identifies the athlete in the photo. It is preferably unique (e.g. number) to allow a direct suggestion, or unique enough (e.g. last name on a jersey), with only a few occurrences on other athlete, so that Joruna can provide a useful suggestion. A key with too many recurrences e.g. brand of popular sport clothes doesn’t really help if tens of athletes are using them. Those keys are internal to Joruna.

The keywords (sometimes called tags) are the same keywords metadata that you usually type in your favourite software e.g. the athlete’s full name. The legend is a short piece of text that wille be used to fill in the photo’s title, it description, its legend… as you wish.

The good news is, Joruna comes from a multitude of tools to also automate the creation of those keys files. Depending on the source, it could be as easy as a few clicks! Also, the keys files are reusable: define them once, reuse them, edit them, share them even.

Photo analysis

The photo analysis compares the selected key file to the list of photos you want to process via Joruna. It relies on our cloud-based solution to give your the best results possible, which also means that an internet connection is required during photo analysis.


Joruna uses a token system to perform an automated keys file creation or a photo analysis. Their value is:

  • 1 photo analysed = 1 token
  • 1 keys files generated = 5 tokens

The tokens can be bought on your account at https://dashboard.joruna.io (January 2023). They have a validity depending on the amount of tokens bought at once, from 1 month to 1 year.